TPIWMHWDS chapter 3.1

 He is a narrow-minded villain

Didn’t he say he wouldn’t return? Wasn’t he busy for two days? Shouldn’t he be having his first love ‘’experience’’ with the protagonist Shou?

Chu Yu didn’t expect that Shen Shangqi would go back on his words so easily, slapping his own face was like drinking water, his heart tells him that this scum Gong is indeed not good, he really is a shame to the Gong community.

[Well… Host, actually that’s the type of character you were playing before. If we want to be precise, Shen Shangqi is the real gong in this world, and that won’t ever change. Although there was never a need to decide who was who between you and him in the plot setting, in the readers' eyes, Shen Shangqi is the gong, even the undisputed number 1.]

[….? In scum Gong meets cheap Shou stories, when Shen Shangqi is paired with the protagonist Shou he is the scum Gong, but if he is paired with me, he should be the cheap Shou. Obviously I'm talking about character,  I am a good person, you know well.]

[…well, if you understand it this way, it’s okay. After all, the author didn’t specify this part.]

When Chu Yu walked downstairs, he noticed that the servant had already prepared the food.

Actually, the Shen family doesn’t have the habit of waiting for someone and eating together. Shen father and Xie Wan spent most of their days abroad, and every time they come back they don’t stay for long, most of the time they come back for business. So eating breakfast together was a very rare occasion.

The breakfast was very varied, covering everyone's taste. From a young age, Shen father studied in England, and he has already grown accustomed to England's taste. After Xie Wan married him she also adapted her taste to his.

Therefore, in front of these two there was a classic English breakfast on their white plate, the imported fresh tomatoes were cooked until the inside was a little burned, baked beans and bacon was delicately arranged, and in hand there was a cup of black coffee, the color dark and the smells was fragrant.

While Chu Yu’s breakfast was an easily digestible Chinese style breakfast, it was a well-cooked and soft shredded fish porridge, thick and creamy, and besides that there was a small plate of delicate shrimp dumplings, the portion wasn’t big but it was well prepared.

Shen Shangqi, on the other hand, didn’t have much preference, usually he eats a combination of western and Chinese breakfast,coffee and fritters are a usual combination, he really doesn’t mind.

Of course, even though he doesn’t care, no one dared to nitpick his taste, not even Shen father could control him.

‘’Xiao Yu, come over. Your porridge is getting cold.’’

(If you are not reading on then it’s a stolen translation)

This early in the day Xie Wan was sitting there already fully prepared with a delicate makeup, her well-curated face made it hard to tell her age. At this moment she was looking at Chu Yu with a smile, motioning him to sit down, and he nodded and said: ‘’Father and mother, morning.’’

Shen father nodded slightly at him and said: ‘’Sit down and eat.’’

Chu Yu pulled out the chair, his eyes finally meeting Shen Shangqi who was sitting opposite to him, he still had the same clothes he wore to the banquet last night, the tie mysteriously gone, and the two buttons on the neckline were loosened. The originally defined suit and shirt were now all wrinkled, his hair messy but his face was even more defined, his chin had stubble and made him have a more masculine aura. 

Just by looking at him, you could tell he had drunk last night and pulled an all-nighter.

[He has grown up! If anyone says last night nothing happened I won’t believe it! System, I’m asking you, would you believe it or not?] Chu Yu is taking back his previously said words, the fact that he still came back to eat breakfast means he has good stamina, he indeed is a high-quality scum gong written by a webnovel author.

[I can't believe this, something must have happened (??ω??)??.] When the system said this he even used emotes, it’s probably the joy of seeing the progress of the plot and task.

Chu Yu looked at Shen Shangqi and smiled slightly, then said: “Morning, Xiao Qi.”

Shen Shangqi, who was eating his porridge and looking at his phone, finally raised his head, he glanced at Chu Yu who was standing in front of him, and he noticed that his eyes were also on him. They locked eyes and Shen Shangqi clearly noticed the other was startled for a moment.

He was dressed really simply, wearing a light blue fine-grained shirt still unbuttoned at the collar, on the lower half a silver-grey trousers that made him look tall and slim. Apart from his pale lips, the whole picture didn't look bad, it seems that just like the other he didn't sleep at all yesterday night...

He thought silently and deliberately didn't respond to Chu Yu's greetings, he removed his gaze from the other, his face was icy to the point of making Shen father and Xie Wan notice the tension.

Making such an ugly face this early in the morning.

Shen father frowned,  he was about to reprimand him, but Xie Wan who was sitting next to him shook her head and reassured him with a smile. Shen father looked at Shen Shangqi again, endured it and sighed, he shook his head and said nothing.

Since Shen father and Xie Wan had to attend an exhibition they ate and left carelessly. On the long table in the huge hall, only Shen Shangqi and Chu Yu were left.

Chu Yu ate his breakfast quietly, face like usual. On the other hand, the icy faced Shen Shangqi's mood worsened, he deliberately made noises with the ceramic spoon and plate, in the silent dining room the sound was harsh and abrupt.

Chu Yu raised his eyes, he looked at Shen Shangqi with a frown, and said: ''Xiao Qi, don't deliberately make sounds when you eat, it's very bothersome.''

As if not listening Shen Shangqi almost snorted coldly, he pursued his lips, clenched his jaw and made even more noise with the spoon and the plate.

Chu Yu rubbed his eyebrows, his calm tone had a little irritation in it: ''Shen Shangqi, are you deliberately doing this to annoy me?''

Shen Shangqi didn't speak, as usual he did what he wanted, his attitude was very arrogant.

Only then did Chu Yu put down the spoon in his hand, he controlled his anger and said to Shen Shangqi: ''If you don't want to eat, then don't.  Last night you didn't come home and I didn't where you were, I can still let that slide, and today you are acting like this? Shen Shangqi, do you still think of yourself as a child?''

Shen Shangqi took a mouthful of porridge. He raised his eyes and looked at Chu Yu, and said quietly: ''What about not going home? What adult goes home every night, isn't it normal to have a little nightlife fun?''

Chu Yu took a deep breath, his face turned blue and he tried his best to control his voice: ''Look at your clothes, your appearance. Shen Shangqi, nightlife is fine, just don't bring it home. If I don't see it, whatever you do I won't care!''

After saying those words he stood up, the chair he was sitting on abruptly slid back with a loud noise. Shen Shangqi raised his eyes, his hand tightly clenched, only to see Chu Yu strode away from the dinner table.

The servants who were standing there didn't even dare to make a sound, it was the first time seeing the first young master this angry, he left without even finishing his breakfast.

(If you are not reading on then it’s a stolen translation)

Shen Shangqi lowered his head and ate two mouthfuls of porridge, he looked at Chu Yu barely touched breakfast, not only his anger didn't subdue, but on the contrary, he was even angrier, to the point of making the vain in his forehead jump.

Finally, Shen Shangqi couldn't help but curse in a low tone, he stood up and kicked his chair away, the expensive Italian-crafted chair was kicked to the ground mercilessly.

The servants on the side lowered their heads even more, and didn't even dare to breathe. Like a child venting his anger, Shen Shangqi kicked several chairs down, the anger in his eyes almost turned into fire about to burst out.

In the end, his eyes fell on the unfinished breakfast that was still on the table, he stopped for a second and walked over and grabbed the white tablecloth.

Just when the servants took a few steps backward thinking he was going to flip the table, he kept that stance for a few seconds and then let go of the tablecloth. Instead, he kicked the table base, the table shook and the plates on top of it made a clashing sound.

The table base was angular and sharp, just by looking at it the servants felt pain in their legs.

But they could never imagine, that second young master would stop himself from flipping the table; after all, he flipped a lot of them out of anger before.

The stunned expressions on the servants' faces made Shen Shangqi even angrier, to the point that he felt he was about to break his teeth from the strength of his clenching, his face turned blue.  He kicked the chair that was in front of him, he strode away and went upstairs.


Here the third chapter!! Today is my birthday btw eheh, but I still made some time to edit this ^^ 
The next part may take more than a week since I'm getting busy :c but i'll do my best!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! see you next time💜



  1. Thanks for the chapter and happy birthday!

  2. Thanks for the chapter ☺️
    And happy birthday (kinda late) 🎉

    1. Thank youu😭💜 I'm glad you enjoyed it! ^^

  3. Happy advance birthday 🎂 😂
    Tysmm for the chapters 🌷💕


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