TPIWMHWDS chapter 1.2



The black Cayenne car drove out of the iron gate of the Shen's house, Shen Shangqi held the steering wheel with one hand, and loosen the tie on his neck with the other one and threw it on the passenger sit next to him. His expression cold and his furrowed eyebrows expressed his gloominess and restlessness.

Xie Yu, this name made his chest heat up, it originally carried a slight warmth to it, but now it felt as if he had drunk a cup of iced water, it made his heart tremble and hide from the pain.

He took a deep breath, lowered the window car, the cold breeze poured in and made his mind clear again.

Right at this moment, the phone next to him rang. Shen Shangqi answered and a voice came from the other side.

''Young master Shen, we got the person, do you want to come and take a look?''

He let out a sigh, Shen Shanqi turned the car around and drove through the suburb area open road. The black Cayanne car stopped in front of a hotel in the city.

When he got out of the car as he close the door the cold breeze instantly filled his nose. When the receptionist saw the person coming, he bowed and greeted him.

''Young master Shen''

''Where's the person?'' Shen Shangqi took a step and entered the hall, without even looking at his surrounding he strode straight toward the elevetor.

''In the room 1206, assistant Zhang is already waiting there.'' The staff handed over the key and followed behind Shen Shangqi but stopped in front of the elevetor.

The fast travel elevetor stopped smoothly at twelfth floor, Shen Shangqi got out of the elvetor, walked through the carpeted corridor and stopped in front of the room 1206.


Shen Shangqi retrieved his card, held the gold door handle with one hand, with a click the door was opened. 

(If you are not reading on then it’s a stolen translation)

The light was shining, the room was as bright as daytime. When Zhang Qin who was standing beside the sofa saw Shen Shanqi come in, he naturally stepped foraword to respectfully take the coat off his sholders.

On the large one colored sofa in the room there was a young man curled up on it, his hands and feet were tied up with a thick rope. His body almost shrunk to a ball, his palm sized face had a black tape covering his mouth, there were multiple bruises on his forehead and face, his shirt was all wrinkled up and his long messy bang covered his eyebrows, his eyes vigilantly looking at the person who just came in.

Shen Shangqi rubbed his eyebrows and as if not in the mood to deal with the situation he said: ''We are not some kind of mafia organisation, why is he all tied up... untie him, did you discuss the condition of the contract with him?''

''We talked and he didn't agree, he said it’s not enough.'' Zhang Qin looked at the little celebrity on the sofa, his eyes couldn't hold in his contempt.

If it wasn't because of the first young master illness, there won't be any need to bargain with this type of person.

Shen Shangqi stared at the young man on the sofa, he casually picked up the information on the table in front of the sofa, his eyes fell on the name on it, he murmured: ''Su Xin?''

The little celebrity looked at Shen Shangqi with caution, hearing him say his name he felt in danger, he couldn't help but move his butt to shrink back a little.

The man who was casually looking through the document abruptly stopped, his eyes suddenly shook staring at the ID photo in the document.

Shen Shangqi suddenly raised his eyes, his throat dried up, his gaze locked on the young man face, he took two step foraword not caring about the young man struggle to dodge, with one hand he stopped his chin and with the other he harshly tore off the black tape from his face.


(If you are not reading on then it’s a stolen translation)

His youthful but familiar eyes and eyebrows suddenly came into Shen Shangqi's sight, in the reflection of his confused eyes Shen Shangqi shocked expression could be seen.

Since he tore the tape off so harshly, the young man lips and cheeks were slightly red, his face held youthful and softness to it, his eyes round and his nose held a bridge, everything looked really similar to that person yet at the same time it felt so unfamiliar.

It had the vitality and healthiness that person didn't have, but it missed his unique estrangement and cold inhumanity.

They look so alike and yet they are not alike at all. 

But after the initial shock, Shen Shangqi beating heart slowly calmed itself, he clenched his trembling fingers looking at the young man huddled in the corner of the sofa in front of him, he stood up and took a few step back, he said: ''Sorry, I'm in a hurry, that's why we are meeting like this.''

He gulped and turned around to not look at the face that held some similarity to Chu Yu, because he knows even if it's just a face that looks like his, he can't make himself say any cold or harsh words.

Shen Shangqi took a breath and clenched his fist, while controlling his voice he said: ''Mr. Su Xin, after my investigation, your blood is the same as my... my relative, both are rare RH negative blood.  But... since childhood he developed a severe aplastic blood disease, so I need Mr. Su to stay by my side, in case he had any problems we can supply him with blood. As for payment, my assistant already talked about it with you, if you have any other request you are free to mention them.''


I cutted where the author added the *  but this part was unexpectedly shorter than the first one, I don't know if I should cut them evenly myself or follow the author, I’ll upload the next chapter in a week. Hope you enjoyed the second part 💓


TPIWMHWDS chapter 1.1

TPIWMHWDS chapter 2.1


  1. I enjoyed it! I don't really mind whether you cut it evenly or not tho. Thanks for the translation!

    Btw a few typos:


    As for payment, my assistent already talked about it with you,

    healthiness, inhumanity

    It had the vitality and helthiness that person didn't have, but it missed his unique estrangement and cold inuhamity.


    untie him, did you discusse the condition of the contract with him?

    Hope it helps!

    1. Help how did I not notice those typos 😩 Thanks again! I corrected them now ❤️


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