TPIWMHWDS chapter 1.1

They look so alike and yet they are not alike at all.

Inside a medieval styled villa’s garden, fresh water flowed out of the fountain, flowery fringed charms decoration ornate  the garden, the venue was arranged very lavishly. While the waiters were working, in a banquet full of gorgeous dresses, the guests and the woman's of the family toasted each other laughing in the midst of the meloudious music, the scene was very lively.

In contrast of the silence in the study room on the second floor, the banquet in the garden seemed from a different world.

In the room a young man was leaning against a comfortable and luxurious italian leather chair, he was wearing a soft and clean sweater and covering himself with a thin blanket.

A few strands of his short black hair fell on his dark eyebrows, his features were incredibly handsome and well defined but his face and lips held an abnormally pale complexion.

His eyes were closed tightly, the light seeped through his eyelashes leaving a shadow on both side of his nose, his neck was long and smooth but the skin felt thin at the sight, the pale blue vains on his neck clearly visible. The dim warm light was casted on his face but his complexion held a transparent texture making it icy like snow.

When Shen Shangqi came in he still held a layer of frost from outside, colliding with the warm air of the room it disappeared into mist.

After entering the study room his hasty footsteps involuntarily slowed down, Shen Shangqi took off his coat and after hunging it up he walked with light steps towards the young man side.

As soon as he came in, the young man opened his eyes.

With half opened eyes Chu Yu asked in a hoarse voice: ''Xiao Qi... is the banquet over?''

Shen Shangqi came closer and squatted in front of Chu Yu chair, he raised his eyes to look at him, his dark pupils held a repressed expectation, he said as if expecting praises: ''Not yet, but it's ending soon, I just came back early.''

''This evening banquet was indeed incredible, those old sly foxes of Su family and Feng family are nothing to fear of,  neck to neck biting each other like dogs and at the end they both got hurt, you weren't there to see it but when they met each other their face turned green.'' 

A slight smile appeared on Chu Yu’s lips, he said ''I can pretty much guess what happened, the land in Rongcheng was about to go to Su family, but it was stolen by Feng family right under their nose, they are still upset about it.''

''You did very well today, as long as Su family and Feng family are in a rift, no matter what our Shen family does in B city in the future, we will have less people making things difficult for us.''

Shen Shangqi listened absent mindedly, his gaze fell on the youth handsome but pale face and his lips that held a brief smile, he felt his chest hurting from the thumping of his own heart.

''Xiao Qi...''

Shen Shangqi came back from his trance like state.

As soon as he recovered he saw Chuyu lifting his blanket, he stood up from his chair and walked to the window, he said: ''I heard you are recently keeping a small celebrity and ended up making father really angry, is this true?''

The light outside the roman styled window were still bright, the banquet was getting less crowded, the guest were leaving one after another and in the garden there were already servants cleaning up.

The noise in the hall downstair didn't reach the second floor at all, the fire was crackling in the fireplace, the sound was particolarly dull in this silent room.

Shen Shangqi stared at the thin back of the young man, after a long while he finally was able to pull out a low ''um'' from the depth of his throat.

''it's true''

After hearing his answer with his own ears, Chu Yu turned his head a little surprised, stared at him for a while then looked out of the window and sighed, said: ''he is just a small celebrity, it's not worth fighting with our father for him, Xiao Qi, you weren't like this before, I thought you were more insightful''

After listening to Chu Yu’s words Shen Shangqi slowly stood up, his gaze pass through the well lit study room to Chuyu back, he said: ''What if I just like him?''

''Would you mind?'' Shen Shangqi clenched his hand, so hard that his knuckles turned white.

''You like a 18 year old small celebrity from an unknown origin?'' Chu Yu’s eyes were calm, he snorted and looked at one of the lamp in the garden, he said with a low voice without even looking back: ''Shen Shangqi, you are still young, if you are just playing with that small celebrity, then it's still acceptable, but don't be hot heated and forget who you are.''

Shen Shangqi listened to his words, and after a while he said agitated: ''Then about what you said last night,  were you being hot headed too?''

Like cold water dripping in a frying pan, after hearing these words, Chu Yu turned his head, his shocked expression could be seen on his pale face.

Shen Shangqi raised his feet and step by step approached Chu Yu, after arriving in front of Chu Yu he stood beside him.  

He has grown a lot these years, now that he is standing in front of Chu Yu he was slightly taller than him, not to mention Shen Shangqi has deep eyebrows, handsome features, and the naturally coldness in his eyes made him look oppressive.

The cold air outside stained the window with fog, while the warmness inside the room made people anxious.

''I told you, I'm willing to be your sword and remove any obstacle from your path. But, in your eyes am i just that? Nothing else?''

His word were straightforward and calm, as if he wants to reveal Chu Yu filthy thoughts without any mercy.

Chu Yu was silent for a moment, then avoided his burning gaze, he sighed deeply and said “Xiao Qi, you will always be my little brother.”

“Xiao Qi, if you really like that small celebrity, then you do you, just don’t make it too big, I don’t want to fight with you over this.”

Shen Shangqi eyes observed him for a while, to discover that on his face as he thought there were no trace of other emotion, the fist he was clenching the whole time was finally released.

He turned around mercilessly and with long steps strode away, after the study room door was closed, Chuyu finally sat back on his chair, took a sip out of the cup of warm water next to him, his face revealed a relieved expression.

After staying in this world for so long, the story is finally moving forward!

He couldn’t be happier!

Being a veteran employee of the Chuanshu (Transmigrated into a book) office, Chu Yu retirement world payment was very good, he got arranged as this world courting death short lived white moonlight.

He was the male protagonist's older brother, with different father and mother, brought in the house by his mother's marriage.

Chu Yu was playing Xie Yu who was frail and sick since childhood, after his mother married into Shen family, Xieyu and Shen Shangqi got along like true brothers.

The fearless and overbearing young master Shen Shangqi was very soft towards his sickly older brother who he shared no blood with, grating his every wishes, they were so harmonious to the point of surprising Shen Father.

In the ten years they spent together, the male protagonist Shen Shangqi started having feeling that were beyond family love towards Xie Yu, a type of heart wrenching love that only man and woman should have. To the point that his love for Xie Yu was deeply imbued into him.

But Xie Yu growing up was taught by his mother to be ambitious and greedy, he wanted to obtain the right to Shen family's business.

And the feeling Shen Shangqi held for him were used as a sword by Xie Yu, Shen Shangqi willingly lay low for him, whether it was at the company or at home he did his best to help Xie Yu, an outsider, gain step by step a firm position inside the Shen family.

But what Xie Yu never expected was, that after raising a wolf for a long time, he unexpectedly grow to think of him as an obedient pet.

Shen Shangqi had his own plan, after chasing him for years and still not getting a response, he couldn't help himself from expressing his feeling toward Xie Yu, he never expected Xie Yu to treat him neither good, nor bad. When he had to use him he would treat him well, when he doesn't he would treat him coldly.

As time passed, Shen Shangqi realized that Xie Yu just thought of him as a chess piece, Xie Yu never held any sincerity toward himself, with this he broke their rapport and business.

From the start he was the legitimate heritage of the Shen Family, his ability were superior too, it was all because of some personal rift that he had conflict with Shen father and Shen grandfather, if he wanted to compete with Xie Yu the other would have no chance of winning.

At this time, the male protagonist shou Su Xin appeared, at first it was just because Su Xin's had the same blood type as Xie Yu, he kept him close to use him as Xie Yu back up blood supply in case Xie Yu has to go under operation and had a shortage of blood.

But after meeting him, Shen Shangqi noticed that Su Xin kind of looked like Xie Yu, as a way to vent his emotion and hidden feeling of retaliation he decided to keep him and use him as Xie Yu's substitute.

And after Xie Yu knew this he started panicking, he was worried that once Shen Shanqi fell out of love he wouldn't be able to control him anymore, this wolf was all grown up now and had the power to devour him in one bite, once the leash he held breaks he wouldn't hesitate to jump on him and show his teeth to tear him apart, and everything he had worked on these years to obtain would become nothing.

So everytime Xie Yu and Shen Shangqi had a conflict, he would use lies to deceive Shen Shangqi and keep him calm and use dirty methods to frame Su Xin, so that he could still be able to use Shen Shangqi as he please.

But everytime he gets discovered by Shen Shangqi, their relationship would worsen one time after another to the point of being irreparable, it was Xie Yu lies and deception that drifted the Shen Shangqi that loved him wholeheartedly further and further away.

The turning point of this story was when Xie Yu fell ill in the middle of the night, he made Su Xin discovered the truth, that he was just Shen Shangqi's white moonlight blood supply and substitute. In despair he went to the hospital to give Xie Yu 2000cc of blood. Afterwards he dragged his weak body out and left one letter before leaving. 

And in that moment Shen Shangqi finally woke up, for the first time he didn't go look for Xie Yu who has just completed his operation succesfully, he franatically sent people searching for Su Xin all over the city...

Wow, this is really too much!

Although I don't understand why the author emphasized the stealing of this 2000cc, when Chu Yu received the script he was shocked and sweat reading this part.

2000cc of blood, which hospital in the world would even dare to draw so much, only this scum bag dares, fearless! he really dares!

The author should have read less digging kidney type of story during their adolescence, how can it be in this way and so direct.

Luckily, Chu Yu was experienced enough so he kept his calm, but he is still puzzled about the character he has to play, he was such a white lotus and green tea, can he still be called white moonlight?

[Host, this is not the point, you just need to follow the plot. Being a white lotus... Oh no, I meant being a white moonlight you only have two task to do. Make the protagonist Gong heart break and make the protagonist Shou heart break, their progress is largely thanks to you. As long as you follow the plot and the faster the protagonist gong break apart from you, the faster we will complete the plot.]

Chu Yu obviously understood that, the reason to make the protagonist Gong heart break is to push him to break apart from himself. While breaking Su Xin heart is needed to advance the plot, to make scum gong wake up and realise.

After all, man are all scums like this, when he has him close by he doesn't appreciate it, but when he finally lose him, he will be filled with regret.

On the screen Shen Shangqi's heart break value was rising to 50 while Su Xin heart break level is still motionless.

Chu Yu let out a long sigh, his CP still need a lot of hardships before finally getting together.



Hello! I decided to cut the chapter in two parts because of how lengthy it was, this is my first time translating and my first language isn't english so there may be some errorsπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ


All chapters

TPIWMHWDS chapter 1.2


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for translating 🧑

    2. Thank you for reading and leaving a comment! It means a lot to meπŸ™‡πŸ’“

  2. Thanks for the chapter♡

  3. Thanks for the chapter 😊

  4. <3 loved the chap! Thanks for the translation~

    Don't worry, there's probably only a few minor errors. One of them:

    He was the male protagonist older brother, with different father and mother, brought in the house by his mother marriage.

    I think it should be smth like this:

    He was the male protagonist's older brother, with different father and mother, brought in the house by his mother's marriage.

    Dunno if it's right since I can't read chinese tho!

    1. Thank you for making me notice that mistake ç_ç I have to be more careful from now on since I tend to miss those 's and s' or any s 😳

  5. Thank you so much for picking up this novel!


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