TPIWMHWDS chapter 3.2

 [My son is being rebellious, this is breaking my heart.] Chu Yu returned to his room. He took his suitcase out and placed it on the sofa, he was about to pack his luggage.

[Why is there a smile on your face then?]

[Do I?] Chu Yu's face tensed, trying hard to make himself angry.


Actually, what really made him happy was the fact that Shen Shangqi started acting against him, even if it was just childish words and cold war but that still shows that he will no longer obey his words without questions.

The problem between them was that Xie Yu needed an always obedient and good little brother who would do anything for him, so what he wants the most from Shen Shangqi is obedience, apart from that Xie Yu was indifferent toward whatever he did.

Shen Shangqi didn't want that, after that night heartfelt confession, and the fact that Xie Yu didn't reject him,  made him hopeful. And now that he is rebellious, was to make Xie Yu confront him and admit it.

But in Xie Yu's eyes, this was a threat. With such a powerful enemy and opponent by his side, everything he had could be jeopardized. He wanted to keep Shen Shangqi, but on the other hand he was wary of him, so his behavior seemed to contradict.

Thinking of this, Chu Yu took the phone from the side of the sofa, he unlocked it, slid down his finger and made a call.

The call was quickly answered, Chu Yu held his phone with cold eyes and calm tone he said: ''Help me check on that small celebrity who is close with the second young master, tell me from where he came from.''

''If you are worried, we can first give him a warning.''

Chu Yu paused for a second, and then added: ''Remember to not let second young master know about this.''

The villains who usually say this are quickly exposed and discovered by the protagonist.

After Chu Yu set up his flag he ended the call. He was happy with this, creating a scenario for the protagonist Gong and Shou; since he and Shen Shangqi were in a rift right now, the more he tries to suppress the protagonist Shou, the more Shen Shangqi will care about Su Xin.

When the time comes, won't the relationship between them become deeper and deeper?

When that happens, he can come out himself and act as the villain, using his power to ruthlessly suppress the protagonist Shou, then Shen Shangqi can sooner find out the selfishness and hypocrisy hidden behind this white lotus appearance. With this, he can retire sooner too.

The script was easy and clear. Chu Yu set an alarm for later and threw his phone to the side, he then lie down on the bed and went back to sleep.

[Why am I so sleepy? I clearly slept early last night.]

[It's normal for a person who is going to die to be in this state, hurry up and sleep, don't talk anymore, save some energy to do some villainous stuff.]

There wasn't even a need to be told that, as soon as he lay on the bed, Chu Yu quickly fell asleep. But when he woke up he didn't feel energic, he felt even more sleepy.

He saw that the time was almost up, he got up and tidied himself a little. Just at that moment, the servant knocked on the door to inform him that the taxi (?) had arrived.

A black Bentley stopped at the front gate. Chu Yu's assistant Fang Lin was already waiting there holding a briefcase in his hand. When he saw Chu Yu he stopped for a second and then immediately nodded and said: ''President Xie.''

The two of them got in the car one after another. Fang Lin's handheld the document they had to use right after getting off the airplane, he closed the door and buckle the safety belt, he then explained to the driver: ''Don't take the Nanxi 101 highway, there is a lot of traffic there...''

However, as soon as he fastened his safety belt and sat up straight, the rest of Fang Lin's words were stuck in his throat. He looked at the person in the driver's seat with a ghostly expression: ''Shen-Shen...President...''

Shen Shangqi was wearing flashy sunglasses, after hearing Fang Lin's words he said: ''Oh,'' and then continued ''Don't go to 101 highway, right? I understand.''

After he finished speaking, he looked through the rearview window to watch Chu Yu who was sitting in the back seat, not making any noise, just reading the documents seriously. Shen Shangqi reflected for a moment, then he tilted his head towards Fang Lin: ''You, go seat in the other car.''

Fang Lin was stunned for a moment, then he immediately nodded, like a frightened little bunny, he quickly unfastened his safety belt, opened the door and got out of the car, before leaving he bowed to Shen Shangqi, he felt like crying but without tears.

The two were left in the car, Shen Shangqi tightened his grip on the steering wheel, he didn't know how to start a conversation, then from the rearview mirror he saw Chu Yu who was sitting in the back seat, he closed the document and rubbed his brows.

Shen Shangqi stared at the rearview mirror, Chu Yu's eyes that were hidden behind the glasses were gentle but his face was pale and tired, it was hard to hide it. 

He furrowed his eyebrows, he even forgot he was still fighting with Chu Yu, he asked: ''Brother, are you feeling unwell? Why is your face so pale?''

Chu Yu was a little shocked, after a while he said: ''I'm fine, but if you still don't start the car, I won't be able to catch the plane.''

Shen Shangqi looked into Chu Yu's eyes from the rearview mirror, he suddenly said: ''Brother, let me go for you, I was the one following this project anyway, and I know the details better than you. if you go in this state I'll be worried.''

However, Chu Yu grasped the wrong part of his words and asked: ''You know better than me?''

''You and James indeed have a better relationship, but this does not mean you can strike a better deal for us. Shen Shangqi, aren't you too arrogant?''

Shen Shangqi was just worried for him, he didn't expect to make Chu Yu angry. He felt surprised and aggrieved, but he just started driving ahead with an ugly expression on his face, he didn't utter a word or refute anymore.

System comment: [That really made you sound like a narrow-minded, ignorant, sensitive and suspicious person, a proper villain. Not bad, Host.]

Chu Yu pushed his glasses up and humbly said: [No, no. I just followed the plot and the character is like this, I'm actually a good and upright person, you know it very well.]


I rushed the editing a little today so it may have some errors ç_ç I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway!💜
Exams are starting soon and I'm a little worried, I'll keep updating, but if I delay them it's probably because of the studying😭



  1. Thank you for the chapter 😊!

  2. I am waiting for updates 🤩

  3. thanks for the chapteeerrr reee

  4. Tysmmm for the chaps
    I hope the gong actually follows the plot. Since I want some dog blood drama fufu


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