TPIWMHWDS chapter 2.2

Zhang Qin held the steering wheel and started the car, while looking at the road he glanced at Shen Shangqi who was seated next to him through the rearview window, he was sitting there with a livid face, his veins bulging as if he was holding his breath.

Zhang Qin was a little embarrassed, who could make Shen's family second young master this angry? Normally whoever makes second young master angry, there isn't even a need for anyone to meddle, he would directly beat that person up and not stay here like this, gnashing his teeth and turning himself into a pufferfish from anger.

To go from the apartment to the nearest bar you have to go through the most crowded and lively road in the city, so even if it's 11 p.m, the street still had traffic and the sidewalk was full of passersby, filled with an endless stream of people and shuttles of sounds.

The black cayenne slowed down at the one-way intersection, the green light ahead flashed steadily turning it from green to red.

The oppressive aura in the air made Zhang Qin careful of his surroundings, keeping the right distance from the vehicle in front of him all the time.

While looking at the road he made time to glance at Shen Shangqi's expression. Just to see him seated there with his arm folded, the collar of the shirt underneath his black suit was open, you could see a glimpse of the white shirt from his wrist, the exposed diamonds cufflink reflected a faint light in the car.

Zhang Qin knew that this pair of cufflinks were a gift from the first young master. After all, to use the same words the second master had said himself: these jewelry were girlish, unnecessary.

Indeed, jewelry as naturally elegant as cufflink were only suited for people like the first young master.

Seeing the traffic jam ahead, Zhang Qin turned his head and saw Shen Shangqi's two thick eyebrows were already furrowed, his face expressing his annoyance, from time to time he pick up the phone to take a look, only to make his expression turn worse.

He already thought that the usual Shen Shangqi was difficult to deal with, not to mention that now he looked like he would go berserk anytime and beat him up. Zhang Qin was suffering inside.

Passing through the packed one-way intersection, he finally arrived at a quiet and large street. Right at this moment, in the originally silent car finally, a ring could be heard.

The light of the screen reflected in his eyes, the emotions in them unclear. Shen Shangqi's hand held his phone, when Zhan Qin looked at him he saw him let it ring, not hanging up nor answering, he just kept staring at the screen.

Zhang Qin didn't look carefully but he could still see the caller's name on the screen.

(If you are not reading on then it’s a stolen translation)

The caller was the first young master, as expected. He somehow guessed that second young master fought with first young master, because other than the first young master he couldn't think of anyone who could make second young master this angry and still be well.

The ringtone tirelessly rang in the car, just as he thought second young master would wait for it to stop and hang up itself, seven to eight seconds passed, Shen Shangqi, contrary to what was expected swiped the screen and answered the phone, with careless tone he spoke: “Hello?”

That gesture, his attitude made it clear he was pretending.

  The other side of the phone had a quiet surrounding, Chu Yu's deep and calm voice came through the phone smoothly, his voice held a calming tone.

''Xiao Qi, I need to fly to M country to deal with some things tomorrow morning. I'll come back in two days, if tomorrow you are free come back home, let's eat breakfast together.''

''I don't have time, I'm finally relaxing, I won't come back these two days.'' Shen Shangqi refused directly and sternly, even his voice sounded cold.

Zhang Qin rubbed his eyebrows, and a feeling of being overwhelmed suddenly came up.

A long silence came from the other side of the phone, and then a soft sigh could be heard, feeling helpless he said: ''If that's the case, then just be careful, stay safe. Just one more thing, don't go overboard and make me and father worry.''


The call ended coldly from the other side, Zhang Qin's heart suddenly stopped for a moment.

Shen Shangqi held the phone, veins were bulging on his forehead, gritting his teeth he stared at the screen for a while, as if he tried to control himself but failed he directly threw the brand new phone out of the window.

throwing junk from the window!

Zhang Qi sighed, it seems that his driver's license will get two more points deducted.

Even if he doesn't turn his head to look at him, he already knows how ugly Shen Shangqi's expression is at the moment.

He has been with Shen Shangqi for a while now. The fact that the first young master called first was already a sign he was giving him a way to get out of this situation, but unexpectedly second young master didn't take the opportunity this time and even got upset.

It seems that this time they are fighting seriously.


Chu Yu hung up the phone, he felt at ease with the development of the plot.

Hearing his tone just now, the scum Gong seems to be very angry, it makes sense, he couldn't help and showed his feeling yesterday, in the scum Gong's eyes they are in an ambiguous relationship and are about to get even closer. Instead, today he pretended nothing happened, calling him little brother, it would be weird if he didn't make the scum Gong die of anger.

If these days everything goes according to his plan, the protagonist Shou's plot should progress, as a standard ''I'm just a substitute'' type of story, the protagonist Shou's side is filled with cannon fodder Gongs; and this is the moment where the protagonist Gong needs to stand his ground, move the protagonist Shou's heart and show his status. Naturally, the cannon fodder Gongs have to come at their door and get slapped in the face by the protagonist. 

And right at this moment, he happened to go to M country. This Gong and shou CP has to get close after this.

Yes, a white moonlight that doesn't go abroad isn't interesting enough, too bland.

(If you are not reading on then it’s a stolen translation)


The next morning, Naturally Chu Yu woke up at 6:30. As expected to the self-disciplined and successful white moonlight.

While preparing himself, he didn't know how or when it happened but there was a  bruise on his forehead, the skin of this body was already white so the bruise was even more visible.

He pulled his hair down to cover the bruise, making it not visible. Chu Yu squeezed the toothpaste out and started brushing his teeth, but he did not expect his spit to be slightly red. With his index finger he rubbed the inner wall of his mouth, and not surprisingly he found a little bit of blood.

[...Did the time I have to get ill move closer? I remember it happened after we go through half of the plot.]

The system explained: [It didn't get moved, the plot has already begun progressing, this illness isn't a car accident, so it's slowly showing itself. Otherwise, how do we make the protagonist shou give you 2000cc blood? If it comes suddenly it will seem too random and not make sense. Although the plot is a little rough, there are still details needed in this world. Don't worry, I already numbed your pain receptors, there won't be any problems.]

Does giving 2000cc of blood make sense then? Chu Yu really wants to complain, in fact he thinks that even if he arrange a car accident for himself it would still be better than this 2000cc blood story. The author clearly didn't have any common sense when they wrote this part.

Chu Yu tore a tissue, made it into a ball, and shoved it where the bleeding gums were, he pressed tightly and a minute later the tissue was soaked in blood. The most annoying part was that this blood had no intention to stop, although it was a very small amount you could still feel it seeping out. Well, there was no pain but it was very annoying.

It took ten full minutes for Chu Yu to stop the bleeding. Just after changing his clothes, a knock could be heard on the door.

''First young master, second young master came back, he is with your father and mother; they are all waiting to eat breakfast together downstairs.'' 


There were a lot of idiom I had a hard time translating 😩 chinese is so hard, but it's fun to challenge myself sometime! If in the future I'm more profient I'll come back and edit this eheh

Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter! 💜


TPIWMHWDS chapter 2.1

TPIWMHWDS chapter 3.1


  1. Thank you so much for the chapter!! This novel is interesting so far and I have a feeling itll only get more fun later on XD

    1. I'm glad you are enjoying the novel! things will only get messier from now on 😂

  2. Thankyou for the chapter!!

  3. it was stated that the protag shou didn’t know he was a substitute and an emergency blood aint he? but the protag Gong had straightforwardly said he’s contracted in case Mc needs blood

    aint the plot already derailing HAHAHAHAHA Mc hadn’t even done anything yet xD

  4. Lmaoo he's perfectly acting like how a white moonlight should act 😂 going aboard is a MUST!!
    Thank you so muchhhh for the chapter 🦭💕✨️✨️✨️


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